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      Battle Chasers: Nightwar Mod

      Battle Chasers: Nightwar Mod

      • Sizes: 1.75 GB
      • Version: 1.0.19
      • Update: 2024/02/01
      Install by Panda Helper

      App Screenshot

      Battle Chasers: Nightwar Mod
      Battle Chasers: Nightwar Mod
      Battle Chasers: Nightwar Mod

      Modified Description

      Can get a lot of gold coins


      Inspired by the classic console greats, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a wild adventure featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in a classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by the exploration of the world. Help young Gully on her quest to find her lost father Aramus – a famous hero, who ventured into the dangerous grounds and mysteriously disappeared. Gully receives help from 5 unlikely heroes, each with their own unique abilities, perks, items and dungeon skills. Together the party will help Gully with her search and discover what dangers lurk in the wilds. 

      The classic turn-based combat is inspired by console RPG greats. Up to three fighters per side will battle it out, in tactically demanding encounters. 

      A huge world awaits brave adventurers. Discover the secrets in the dark and mysterious forests or brace yourself against the icy horrors in frosty regions or fight wave after wave of enemies in Tolka’s Arena. 

      Each of your six heroes wears armor, carries a weapon and is equipped with fine magical jewelry – and everything can be crafted.

      Battle Chasers: Nightwar is packed with enemies. Bandits, Beasts, Demons, Elementals, Machines, Undead – you name it! It’s crucial to react properly to the enemy’s attacks. If you don’t synergize the efforts of your heroes, your adventure will be short-lived.

      ● Classic turn-based combat inspired by the console RPG greats, with a unique overcharge mana system and incredible Battle Bursts.
      ● Explore an overworld peppered with hidden dungeons, rare bosses and randomly appearing friends and foes. 
      ● Action-oriented, randomly-generated dungeons loaded with traps, puzzles, and secrets. Use each hero's unique dungeon skills to survive
      ● Build your adventuring party by choosing three of six available heroes from the classic Battle Chasers comic series, each with unique abilities, perks, items, and dungeon skills
      ● Dive into the deep crafting system, using the unique ingredient-overloading system to create epic items!

      Thank you for playing ‘BATTLE CHASERS: NIGHTWAR’!
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      Battle Chasers: Nightwar was originally developed by Airship Syndicate.

      © GmbH


      Name Battle Chasers: Nightwar Mod

      Category GAMES

      Version 1.0.19

      Update 2024/02/01

      Languages English

      Size 1.75 GB

      Compatibility Android 4.0+

      Root Needed No Need

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Battle Chasers: Nightwar Mod
      Battle Chasers: Nightwar Mod
      Battle Chasers: Nightwar Mod



      1322 Ratings

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